Sinema ve Televizyon (YL) (Tezli) (İngilizce)
Ders İçerikleri

1. Yarıyıl

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CAT5101 Advanced Text Analysis 3+0+0 5 Zorunlu
Week 1: Introduction & Meeting Week 2: Philosophy and Text : How to read a text? What is text (living or unanimate)? Week 3: 36 Dramatic Situations by Georges Polti & Intertextuality Week 4: “The Death of the Author” by Roland Barthes & “Suspension of Disbelief” by S. T. Coleridge Week 5: Communist Manifest: Subtext, World of the Play, Idealism, Reading between the Lines Week 6: Structuralism and Linguistics Week 7: Derrida and Deconstruction Week 8: Midterm Week 9: Art of Storytelling: Tragedy and Comedy Week 10: Journey of the Hero by Joseph Campbell Week 11: Magna Carta, Gettysburg Address & American Declaration of Independence Week 12: Discussing William Shakespeare and Post-Colonial Literature Week 13: Holy Books and Discourse Week 14: Final Recap
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CAT5103 Film Reading 3+0+ 4 Zorunlu
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IGE6500 Scientific Research Methods and Ethics 3+0+ 9 Zorunlu

2. Yarıyıl

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CAT5102 Film Sociology 3+0+0 12 Zorunlu
Week 1-2: Introduction to Sociology of Cinema Week 3-4: Sociological Perspectives on Film Week 5-6: Representation in Cinema Week 7-8: Film as a Cultural Artifact Week 9-10: Audience Studies Week 11-12: Power, Politics, and Cinema Week 13-14: Contemporary Issues in Cinema
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CAT5188 Seminar 0+0+0 6 Zorunlu
Week 1-2: Introduction to Seminar Week 3-4: Research Methods and Resources Week 5-6: Developing Research Questions Week 7-8: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography Week 9-10: Seminar Presentations I Week 11-12: Collaborative Research and Discussion Week 13-14: Seminar Presentations II and Reflection

3. Yarıyıl

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CAT5291 Thesis Study 1 0+0+0 30 Zorunlu
Tez konusunda konunun belirlenip yazım sürecinin danışman kontrolünde başladığı süreçin tamamıdır.

4. Yarıyıl

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CAT5292 Thesis Study 2 0+0+0 30 Zorunlu
Tez yazım sürecinin tamamlanıp jüri önünde savunulmasını kapsayan tüm süreçtir.

Bölüm/Program Seçmeli Dersler

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CAT5001 Theories of Cinema 3+0+0 6
CAT5001 Theories of Cinema Week 1: Introduction to Film Theory Siegfried Kracauer – Theory of Film Week 2: Formalism and Russian Montage Theory Sergei Eisenstein and montage theory Lev Kuleshov and film editing (Kuleshov Effect) Screening: Analyzing montage in classic Russian cinema Week 3: Realism and Italian Neorealism Cesare Zavattini and neorealist theory Influences of Italian neorealism and Cinecitta on global cinema Reading: Bazin's realism in cinema, myth of total cinema Week 4: Auteur Theory and French New Wave André Bazin and auteur theory Key figures of the French New Wave Screening: Analysis of French New Wave films Week 5: Psychoanalysis and Film Sigmund Freud's influence on film theory Reading: Freudian interpretation of films Analyzing Freudian elements in select films Week 6: Structuralism and Semiotics Structuralism and semiotic theory in film Roland Barthes and Christian Metz Analysis of semiotic elements in film Week 7: Ideology and Marxist Film Theory Marxist analysis of cinema Louis Althusser and film ideology Screening: Analyzing ideological elements in films Week 8: Feminist Film Theory Laura Mulvey: Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema Other key figures in feminist film studies Screening: Feminist analysis of “Daughters of Darkness” (1971) Week 9: Postmodernism and Post-structuralism Postmodern cinema and Baudrillard's theories Post-structuralism: Deleuze and Guattari Reading: Postmodernist interpretation of films Screening and analysis of a postmodern tragedy: The Fly (1986) Week 10: Gender and Society Queer theory and cinema Screening and analysis: Flee (2021) Week 11: Literature and Cinema 36 Dramatic Situations Adaptation Theory Comparasion of film adaptations of William Shakespeare’s classical drama: The Tempest Week 12: Global Cinema and Transnationalism Globalization of cinema and cultural studies Transnationalism in film Screening: Analysis of transnational cinema Week 13: Alternative Cinema: Independent and Experimental Types: Indie, Experimental, Arthouse, B-Movie, Avant-garde, etc. Discussion and analysis of films against dominant industry Week 14: Contemporary Film Theory and Final Projects Recent developments in film theory Presentation of final research projects by students Course recap and discussion
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CAT5002 Theories of Televison 3+0+0 6
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CAT5004 Media and Cultural Studies 3+0+0 6
Bu ders medya ve kültürel çalışmalardaki temel kavramlara, teorilere ve yöntemlere genel bir bakış sağlar. Medya ürünlerine kültürel çalışmalar perspektifinden nasıl bakabileceğimize dair genel eleştirel çerçeveyi haritalandırır.
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CAT5005 Consumer Society 3+0+0 6
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CAT5006 Television Narration 3+0+0 6
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CAT5007 History of Cinema 3+0+0 6
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CAT5008 Digital Communication 3+0+0 6
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CAT5009 Post-Apocalyptic Narration 3+0+0 6
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CAT5011 Alternative Cinema 3+0+0 6