INSPARK Club Hosts Medicine and Artificial Intelligence Conference

The Multidisciplinary Approach to Medicine and Artificial Intelligence conference organized by Istinye University (ISU) was held Sunday, June 9, at the University’s Vadi Campus. Medicine and artificial intelligence studies were presented and discussed. Experts in the field reflected on the impact of artificial intelligence on medicine and the uses of artificial intelligence and new technologies in medicine, connecting artificial intelligence and health.

“You should also acquire competencies outside your profession”

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ayberk Kurt opened the event with remarks that emphasized student participation and action, stating, “The required competencies have changed. You will know your own profession, but you must also acquire additional competencies, especially those relating to artificial intelligence. Competence in leadership and teamwork and lifelong learning and self-improvement are among the most important. It is no longer enough for one with a bachelor's degree to know his or her profession alone.” 

“I developed a software that manages the treatments of oncology patients”

Assist. Prof. Levent Korkmaz, the Director of the Artificial Intelligence Center established in 2017 delivered a presentation entitled "Artificial Intelligence Supported Decision Support Application Ecosystem 'WisdowEra'" In his discussion he stated: “Software and computer issues have always interested me. I studied software at university and worked in many fields to improve myself, finally becoming an oncologist. It is a difficult profession, but I love it. To extend it beyond what was expected, I developed software.” His software manages the treatments of oncology patients. Korkmaz said, “I developed a platform and gave it to the community to be used by anyone." He continued, “They have done similar things in the USA and Germany. But what is being done in Türkiye? We need to talk about this. I became an entrepreneur. It was very difficult, but I am happy. I have a product today.” 

Korkmaz further commented, “Artificial intelligence produces and presents various studies from existing models. It is not a mechanism that creates something out of nothing." He added, "Today, the Center offers thousands of projects to hospitals," He gave the following advice to students: “Be attentive to what is being done in the world. And but remember that what you do for your country and humanity is also very important. What do you want to do? Talk about it in your own field."

“Student congresses are important beginnings”

Assoc. Prof. Sibel Şensu opened her remarks by saying, “Today is an important day for Istinye University. Student conferences are important beginnings. We should thank the organizing committee for such an organization." Her presentation, entitled "Digital Journey of Pathology," followed. Şensu explained, “In the 1600s and 1700s, people only had the human body to make a diagnosis. Early physicians were tasked with diagnosing disease processes through visual examination alone. Later microscopes were developed, offering the chance to look at what was under the organs. By the 1900s, other discoveries made in the field of pathology permitted pathologists to diagnose disease more easily." She surveyed the digital journey of pathology, talking about the uses of artificial intelligence algorithms in pathology.

“We turn our surgical plans into three-dimensional models”

Op. Dr. Çağrı Canbola’s presentation entitled "3D View of Brain Surgery" was accompanied by 3D glasses. He overviewed the history of brain surgery, stating: “With tomography, you have some idea of what the disease is. As computer-aided software developed, these images became three-dimensional. New generation tomographies provide better quality images. We turn our surgical plans and MRI images into three-dimensional models and solve problems three-dimensionally. We ask how we can reach solutions with the least damage while protecting the brain’s membranes and structures. We visualize this in virtual reality, in the outpatient clinic, at home, or in any environment, and turn it into a simulation, then scan patients in three dimensions. In the past, we were doing everything mentally the day before the surgery, wondering how we would perform the surgery. Now we visualize everything in three dimensions to plan where and how we will execute the surgery."

Assoc. Prof. Göksel Çinier delivered a presentation entitled "New Generation Health "CorPal Health". in his presentation entitled "Robotic Renaissance in Orthopedics", Prof. Dr. Ramazan Erden Ertürer discussed the use of robotic technology in orthopedics. Assist. Prof. Şenol Pişkin talked about the use of artificial intelligence in health care. Assoc. Prof. Batur Gönenç Kanar delivered a presentation entitled "Live in a box - Persistent AF Case with Artificial Intelligence Algorithm". Prof. Dr. Tarık Kıvrak referred to the uses of artificial intelligence in pulmonary vascular diseases as ‘a revolution’.

Participation by social media influencers 

Social media influencers also took part in the conference. Social media influencer Dr. Bulut Kaya’s presentation was entitled "Dr. Bulut Kaya and His Yellow Serons". Another social media influencer, Talip Mertcan Şahin, offered insights regarding his own education process and offered recommendations to students.

Workshops and a mini concert and open-air cinema screening brought the conference to a close.