How Do I Recognize Violence?
If someone uses various behaviors to control, humiliate, insult, punish or intimidate you, you are exposed to 'violence'.
Don't stay silent, take action!
Types of Violence;
It is the act of deliberately harming another by using physical force.
Pushing, shaking, biting, pulling hair, slapping, pinching, punching, throwing an object or hitting with an object, threatening, burning, etc. These are behaviors that damage physical integrity.
If you are exposed to these behaviors, do not remain silent, take action!
It is the forcing of an individual into coercive and humiliating sexual behavior.
Forcing a woman to become pregnant or not allowing her to use birth control methods; engaging in sexual behavior in an unwanted way, place and time; not accepting a "no" answer; visual/tactile/verbal harassment; sexual humiliation; humiliating and devaluing sexual orientation; using sexuality to exert pressure; exposure; voyeurism, etc. behaviors are within the scope of sexual violence.
If you are exposed to these behaviors, do not remain silent, take action!
These are words and actions that cause psychological damage.
It is done with the aim of harassing, frightening, intimidating, punishing, leaving the person alone, preventing the person from seeing his/her family/friends, isolating, controlling the person, humiliating, mocking, calling names, ignoring, threatening to leave the person, or preventing the person from accessing information or education etc. actions fall within the scope of emotional violence
Deprivation or restriction of a person's economic freedom; It is the use of economic resources for sanctions, threats and control purposes.
Not meeting economic needs, preventing work, being forced to work, preventing career advancement, confiscating earnings, not taking advice on financial matters are actions that indicate the existence of economic violence.
These are behaviors that cause emotional, social and psychological damage through technological means.
Repeatedly sending messages or making calls; sending obscene messages, videos, images; sending pornographic messages, videos, images; Sending disturbing, threatening or insulting messages are examples of cyber violence.
The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines dating violence as "any sexual assault, physical violence, verbal and emotional mistreatment within the context of a dating relationship."
It is either a form of physical violence in the form of hitting, slapping, kicking and pushing or a form of psychological violence in the form of jealousy, resentment, and visual harassment by one or both couples against each other in premarital relationships (Makepeace, 1981;Price, E.L; Byers, E.S; Dating Violence Research Team, 1999).
In general, verbal, emotional or psychological dating violence involves the use of verbal or non-verbal actions aimed at intimidating or hurting the opposite sex (Murphy & Hoover, 1999). Compared to physical violence, which generally targets bodily harm, emotional violence consists of actions that harm individuals' personal integrity and self-worth, as well as words that often evoke fear and increase their dependence on their partners (Hanley & O'neill, 1997; Smith & Donnelly, 2001).
Insistent stalking is when the separated partner constantly monitors and follows the other. Stalking behavior aims to instill fear, intimidate and make people feel insecure.
Love bombing means bombardment of love. It includes excessively caring behaviors and attitudes exhibited at the beginning of the relationship in order to maintain power and control over the partner in the future. Ghosting means that one partner suddenly stops communicating and sharing with the other without any warning or justification. Gaslighting, on the other hand, is a psychological manipulation technique that involves changing the other person's thoughts and perceptions through various methods. Gaslighting takes its name from a theater play performed in the 1930s. According to the scenario, Jack dims the light of the oil lamp a little every day to manipulate his wife Bella. When his wife asked, “Has the light of this lamp dimmed?”, he responds harshly and humiliates the woman. As a result, he aims to make Bella lose her confidence in him. That's why this emotional manipulation is called gaslighting.
It is carried out by one or more people in the workplace against another person or people, continues systematically for a certain period of time, and aims to intimidate, pacify or remove people from work; It harms the personal values, professional status, social relations or health of the victim or victims; It is a set of malicious, intentional, negative attitudes and behaviors.
What can I do?
- Increase your awareness.
Learn the behaviors that constitute violence.
- Don't be afraid to say no.
In situations where you do not want to, show that you do not consent, say "no".
- Set boundaries in your relationship.
Express what behaviors you do not accept and set rules, this will ensure a safe and equal relationship. If these rules are not followed, walk away from your relationship.
- If you do not want to be exposed to violence, do not allow any form of violence.
React when someone makes derogatory, threatening or insulting remarks to you or anyone else.
- Violence is the perpetrator's fault, not yours.
When you are subjected to violence, saying things like "I deserved it", " the perpetrator did this because of me", "the perpetrator does this because he loves me" means ignoring the guilt of the perpetrator of violence. When your boundaries are violated, don't make excuses, take action.
- If you know that someone is violent towards others, the person may do so to you as well.
If someone used violence against someone else, ex-girlfriend/boyfriend, and the person does not see violence as a problem, there is a possibility that this person will do it to you too. Do not try to change the other person, violence is a behavior that is their responsibility.
If there is violence, there is no love.
- Try to stay calm.
First of all, remember that what happened to you is not your fault!
- Go somewhere you can be safe.
Make noise, call the police or ask for help from the surrounding area.
- Ask for help.
You can apply to the nearest security unit (police station, gendarmerie command), Violence Prevention and Monitoring Center (ŞÖNİM), Chief Public Prosecutor's Office or call emergency hotlines.
Emergency phone lines;
ALO 155 Police Emergency,
ALO 156 Gendarmerie Emergency
ALO 183 Family, Women, Children and Disabled Social Service Advisory Line (Provides free service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Domestic Violence Emergency Helpline 0212 656 96 96
Gelincik Line 444 43 06
- Tell a trusted friend or family member what happened to you.
If you are not ready to talk to someone you know yet, contact us or the institutions where you can get support.
If you need medical help, call 112 Emergency or go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital.
In case of any scratches, bruises, bruises or fractures on your body, be sure to go to the doctor and get a medical report. You will need the report during the judicial process.
- Do not destroy the evidence!
Do not wash or destroy the clothes you were wearing at the time of the incident.
Do not take a shower before going to the doctor! If you take a shower, the evidence in your body will disappear.
Save written and visual materials.
- Get support in managing the notification process.
Many people who are exposed to violence isolate themselves from other people and become lonely. Don't avoid talking, even if the person you tell doesn't believe you, keep telling until you find someone who will believe and support you.
- Don't try to take revenge! Do not argue with the person who harmed you!
You can get help from the center or other non-governmental organizations regarding the process.
Institutions you can get help from;
- ALO Baro 444 26 18
- Mor Çatı Women's Shelter Foundation – Istanbul 0212 292 52 31-32
- Association for Combating Sexual Violence – Istanbul 0542 585 39 90
- Violence Prevention and Monitoring Center (ŞÖNİM) – Istanbul 0212 465 21 96-97
- Alo 183 Family, Women, Children and Disabled Social Service Advisory Line (Provides free service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
You don't have to experience violence to take action.
If you witness such a situation, you can apply and be your friend's voice!
What should I do?
It is very important that you apply to the board after you experience sexual harassment or assault. You can reach the board by filling out the form at or, your application and the entire process will be kept confidential. After your application;
1. After your application reaches the unit, the board will give you an appointment for a faceto-face meeting as soon as possible.
2. In this meeting, your situation, needs and demands are discussed.
3. After the meeting, board members meet to determine the options and sources of assistance that best suit your needs.
4. A new meeting is arranged and necessary information and guidance is given.
5. Process is followed according to your requirement.
Psychological conditions that may occur (acute stress symptoms, depression, isolation, etc.)
It is known that people exposed to sexual abuse face negative situations such as severe obsessions, intense and frequent panic attacks, depression, difficulty in trusting the opposite sex, not wanting to have sexual intercourse or having random sexual intercourse, relationship problems, eating and sleeping disorders, intense feelings of guilt, and outbursts of anger
After the abuse you experienced, you can apply to the board and receive psychological support via the e-mail address .
Useful Information
The Sixth Chapter of the Second Part of the Turkish Penal Code regulates the crime of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment and the punishment to be given under the title "Crimes Against Sexual Immunity".
Sexual Assault
Article 102- (Amended: 18/6/2014-6545/58 art.)
(1) A person who violates a person's bodily immunity through sexual behavior is punished with imprisonment from five to ten years, upon the complaint of the victim. If sexual behavior remains at the level of molestation, a prison sentence of two to five years is imposed.
(2) If the act is committed by inserting an organ or other object into the body, a prison sentence of not less than twelve years is imposed. If this act is committed against the spouse, investigation and prosecution depend on the complaint of the victim.
(3) If the crime is committed;
a) Against a person who is unable to defend himself physically or mentally,
b) By abusing the influence provided by public office, tutelage or service relationship,
c) Against a person with whom he or she is related by blood or in-laws, including the third degree, or by a stepfather, stepmother, stepsibling, adopter or adopted child,
d) With a gun or by more than one person,
e) By taking advantage of the convenience provided by the environments where people have to live together collectively, the penalties imposed according to the above paragraphs are increased by half.
(4) If the force and violence used for sexual assault cause serious consequences of the crime of intentional injury, the provisions regarding the crime of intentional injury are also applied.
(5) In case the victim goes into a vegetative state or dies as a result of the crime, aggravated life imprisonment is imposed.
Sexual harassment
Article 105- (1) A person who harasses someone for sexual purposes, upon the complaint of the victim, is sentenced to imprisonment from three months to two years or to a judicial fine, and if the act is committed against a child, to imprisonment from six months to three years.
(2) (Amended: 18/6/2014-6545/61 art.) If the crime is committed;
a) By benefiting from the convenience provided by public duty or service relationship or family relationship,
b) By guardians, educators, tutors, carers, foster families or health care providers or those who have protection, care or supervision obligations,
c) By benefiting from the convenience provided by working in the same workplace,
d) By benefiting from the convenience provided by mail or electronic communication tools,
e) By exposure, the penalty to be imposed according to the above paragraph is increased by half. The victim due to this act; If the person had to quit his job, leave school or his family, the penalty cannot be less than one year.
In the Higher Education Law No. 2547
(Article 53/6.b) Assaulting or sexually harassing a supervisor, colleagues, staff, service users or students is regulated as an act that requires the penalty of dismissal from public office. (It is dismissal from public service, with the condition that the person will not be re-appointed as a lecturer or civil servant in public institutions and organizations and foundation higher education institutions)
(Art. 54/d.5) The act of sexual harassment in higher education institutions is regulated as an act that requires suspension from the higher education institution for two semesters. (It is a written notification to the student that he/she has been suspended from the higher education institution for two semesters and will not be able to benefit from student rights during this period)
(Art.54/d.5) Violating people's sexual immunity by engaging in sexual acts on their bodies is regulated as an act that requires expulsion from the higher education institution. (It is a written notification to the student that he/she has been dismissed as a student and will not be admitted to the higher education institution from which he/she was dismissed again)
Legal Aid is regulated in Article 334 and following of the Code of Civil Procedure.
For Istanbul Bar Association Legal Aid Centers:
Article 150 – (Amended: 6/12/2006 – 5560/21 art.)
(1) The suspect or defendant is asked to choose a defense counsel. If the suspect or defendant declares that he/she is not in a position to choose a defense attorney, a defense attorney will be assigned upon request.
(2) The suspect or defendant who has no defense counsel; If the child is so disabled or deaf and mute that he cannot defend himself, a lawyer is appointed without his request.
(3) The provision of the second paragraph shall apply in investigations and prosecutions for crimes that require a minimum sentence of imprisonment of more than five years.
(4) Other matters related to compulsory defense are regulated by a regulation to be issued by taking the opinion of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations.