Research Centers

The 3D Design and Prototyping Research and Application Center (İSÜ3D) was established in 2017 to go beyond scientific developments in the world in the development of artificial tissues, organs and bio-mechanical limbs using both 3D printer and 3D Bioprinter technologies. İSÜ3D operates on the R&D floor of İstinye University, with 3D Design Laboratory and Organoid Laboratories and in common areas shared with other centers. About 30 national and international projects have been carried out at the center so far, and various R&D projects with a total budget of more than 3 million TL are still being carried out.

Focusing on the healthcare, 3D design, modeling, 3D printing and 3D Bioprinting studies from artificial organ modeling to robotics and collateral 3D tissue culture research carried out in ISU3D center. The center aims to carry out joint studies with other research centers, especially with Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering, and many individuals from clinician faculty members to students along with various national academic institutions and industrial organizations.

Working together with the academicians, students, institutions and industrial companies ISU3D aims to realize a future where various healthcare problems from organ damage to amputated limbs can be treated via integrating various branches of technology from tissue engineering to biomechatronic, especially 3D printer and bioprinter technologies in this context. So far, dozens of studies have been completed and our goals are being expanded with more and more projects.

Dr.Hakan Darıcı - Manager
Dr. Ayça BAL ÖZTÜRK, Dr. Aslı Pınar ZORBA YILDIZ - Deputy Manager



"Istinye University Oral and Dental Health Practice and Research Centre (Istinye Dent Hospital) started to serve within Istinye University Hospital Medical Park Gaziosmanpaşa in 2020. As of 2024, the facility operates with a capacity of 107 dental units on a closed area of 8,800 m² at Istinye University Vadi Campus.
The centre offers a comprehensive range of qualified healthcare services across all branches of dentistry. It performs complex surgical procedures and treatments for patients with disabilities and dental phobia in dedicated operating theatres, including one with general anaesthesia facilities and one for specific procedures. It also stands out with treatment methods based on advanced technologies such as digital dentistry, microscopic endodontic procedures and aligner treatments.The centre provides invaluable practical training opportunities for dental students and dental clinicians. It also makes a significant contribution to the dentistry literature by leading scientific research projects at national and international levels. With a focus on preventive dentistry, the centre offers a comprehensive range of services, including restorative treatments, prosthetic applications, root canal treatments, periodontal treatments, orthodontic services, implant applications and paediatric dentistry.
The Istinye University Oral and Dental Health Practice and Research Centre is committed to becoming an internationally recognised health and education centre. It serves patients and science with its strong academic staff and superior technological infrastructure."

The mission of the Istinye University Oral and Dental Health Application and Research Centre is to improve oral and dental health in society through scientific research and educational activities, while providing qualified health services in line with modern technologies and ethical values..

The Istinye University Oral and Dental Health Application and Research Centre is committed to becoming an internationally recognised reference centre in the field of dentistry, pioneering scientific development through innovative applications.

Prof. Dr. Tuğba Toz Akalın - Manager


With the help of the late Aromatherapist Pharmacist Aslı Yazıcıoğlu, we built our center and placed aromatherapy practices in Liv Hospital and Medicalpark Hospitals, as published in the Official Gazette on April 4, 2021. Dr. Pharmac. Demet Akalgan was appointed Center Manager on September 29, 2021. Students from the Faculty of Pharmacy were able to enroll in the aromatherapy course. The undergraduate program includes instruction in aromatherapy. Inside the center, there are often attended seminars.

This organization provides expert support in the areas of standardization, quality controls, and herbal product licensing. It also trains medical professionals to apply aromatherapy in the context of contemporary science and ethical values. Research is also conducted on the preservation and enhancement of public health and the therapeutic use of aromatic products.

To be an outstanding organization that uses modern scientific methods to conduct aromatherapy research, education, and application.

Prof. Dr. Semra Şardaş - Manager
Meltem Güleç - Deputy Manager


Established in 2021 and operating by İstinye University, CoreLab is equipped with many cutting-edge advanced instrumental analysis devices and many of them are used by experts. Topkapı campus of Istinye University, the Center provides analytical and chemical analysis services to scientists and industrial organizations working in many different fields.

To be a center for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research and development Creating socio-economic added value through commercialization of research and development results To ensure the dissemination of the knowledge, skills and experience gained in relation to devices and techniques at the center Contributing to the training of high-quality researchers

Dr. Arda Atakol - Manager



Our research center offers CGI (computer-generated imagery) technology training through mentoring, technical and design assistance from a variety of disciplines, both inside and externally. A close relationship with the game industry has been developed as a result of the projects and trainings created inside the center. These projects encourage the development of digital games in our nation, which helps to realize and commercialize current business ideas.

Organizing activities to assure the growth of skilled and promising artists in our country, contributing to the gaming industry, and supporting art / digital art courses.

In the realm of digital game technologies, which has recently become one of the sectors with the highest added value in the global ecosystem; to provide project development training and support to academics, students, and field workers.

Dr.Ismail Ergen - Manager


Center for Economics and Policy Studies (EPAM) carries out its studies at Istinye University.
Our Center; In line with its goal to promote democracy and welfare, it aims to understand the problems that occur in our region and our world, to share the information it has obtained with the public, and to contribute to the solution of problems by carrying out joint studies with think tanks, universities, non-governmental organizations and public institutions, which are indispensable for democracies.

EPAM; It focuses its studies on the fields of economy and foreign policy in parallel with the developments Turkey has achieved in the field of international economics and politics, 
EPAM; It attaches importance to the cooperation of universities with both decision makers and the public, and continues its studies with this understanding.
EPAM; It carries out its studies on economics, development issues, regional and global problems together with the members of the Advisory Board, which is formed by experts and esteemed members of the society from diverse fields, including academia, public officials, media, private sector, and İstinye University faculty.
EPAM; It creates awareness on the subject by sharing its studies with the public and decision makers.
It is instrumental in shaping the future in the international arena and the dominance of Turkey-based thoughts.
By including volunteer students in its studies, it ensures that the studies are spread to the base of universities, and contributes to the training of expert staff candidates.

Our mission is to understand the problems that occur in our region and our world, to share the information obtained with the public, and to contribute to the solution of the problems by carrying out joint studies with think tanks, universities, non-governmental organizations and public institutions, which are indispensable for democracies, in order to promote democracy and welfare.

In line with its main goal of being among the best think tanks in the world, our vision is to be a research center that guides critical and creative thinking, which will provide support to decision-makers in shaping the future and decision-making processes, and guide researchers by creating ideas and projects in line with its founding purpose.

Assoc. Prof. Ayfer USTABAŞ - Manager
Dr. Fateme Ayşin ANKA - Deputy Manager



Its establishment was published in the Official Gazette on January 4, 2022. Counseling and treatment services are provided in Healthy Living, Orthopedic and Neurological Rehabilitation, Biomechanics and Movement Analysis, Telerehabilitation Units. Our center has activities such as; Undergraduate and graduate clinical applications, research projects, national and international congresses, courses and training meetings, training and seminars to increase social awareness in the field of Preventive Physiotherapy, workshops, preparing publications in written and electronic media, to meet the needs of the center and expand its possibilities when necessary activities such as purchasing and/or selling services.

Our mission is to conduct scientific research in the field of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, to organize national and international trainings and meetings with interdisciplinary studies, to establish central laboratories by making joint projects with other universities, public and private sectors, to provide consultancy and health services for medical examination and treatment related to the field, to contribute to the society by doing beneficial activities

Our vision is to conduct advanced research to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic applications for human health, to develop new approaches that can be used in the clinic, and to improve existing applications.

Dr. Nurgül Dürüstkan Elbaşı - Müdür
Assoc. Prof. Güldeniz Yılmaz Yelvar - Müdür Yardımcısı


Istinye Garage Incubation Hub, led by Istinye University, offers an end-to-end entrepreneurship experience for both students and academics. Supporting entrepreneurs from ideation to scaling, the entrepreneurship and incubation center provides education, mentorship, office space, and technical support packages tailored to their needs.

With Istinye Garage's end-to-end trainings and programs that create awareness in the sector, we aim to support the growth of our initiatives in all the stages beginning from the ideation until its launch in the market in line with their needs.

Istinye Garage aims to support entrepreneurs in line with their needs and turn them into individuals who shape the economic development of commercial competition, and to scale its innovative support infrastructure globally to become the leading entrepreneurship center in the region.

Handan Ergin Kırbaş - Manager



Our opening ceremony was held on April 11, 2018, with the participation of our Minister of National Defense, Vecdi GÖNÜL. Our Founding Director, Associate Professor İsmail SAFİ, still continues his duty as a member of the Presidency Security and Foreign Policy Board.

GÜVSAM, Within the scope of international relations and Turkish foreign policy; It focuses on multidimensional areas such as migration and border security, cyber space security, energy and energy security, aviation and maritime security, terrorism-organized crime, health security, nuclear energy and security, weapons of mass destruction and security.

GÜVSAM, taking into account the benefit of the country, offers decision-makers solutions and warning reports on security, conducts research, prepares research projects, implements projects, and ensures that information is shared in a beneficial way with the society through various activities in the national and international arena.

A monthly bulletin called "Advanced View" is published electronically.

“Güvsam Conferences” are held monthly. 11 panels are organized online and published on our Youtube channel and offered to the use of relevant stakeholders.

Instagram @isuguvsam and twitter @isuguvsam are actively used and external stakeholders are informed by providing visibility.

Studies are carried out on the agenda and opinions are expressed by participating in TV and radio programs.

Prof.Dr.Fahri Erenel (Director), İsmail Hakkı Pekin (Coordinator), Lecturer Şule Kılıçarslan (Assistant Director), Prof.Dr.Yusuf Erbay (Board member), Associate Professor Efe Can Gürcan (Board member), are in the Board of GUVSAM.

To contribute to the determination, development and creation of new strategies of Turkey's national and international security and defense policies, by taking advantage of regional and international developments and experience.

To develop new strategies on ; International relations, Turkish foreign policy, regional and international issues and conflicts, national defense, national security, terrorism, critical infrastructure security, health security, seed security, city security, migration, CBRN and cyber security to carry out studies on the issues by considering the benefit of the country.

Prof. Fahri Erenel - Manager



Istinye University Children's Science Center was established on January 18, 2023. For the purposes of the centre, the following activities are carried out: a) Developing, planning and implementing programs that will enable children to get to know these fields of science by making use of the knowledge and infrastructure of different science fields in the university, b)Developing, planning and implementing exhibitions, workshops, etc. that will enable children to learn by living and doing in the fields of science and art. c) To closely monitor the studies carried out for children in Turkey and in the world, and to develop, plan and implement programs that will support the development of children accordingly. d) Developing, planning and implementing educational programs and activities that will support parents, who are an important part of children's development, e) To carry out activities that emphasize the importance of educational activities for children, f) To cooperate with public institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations, professional chambers, and international organizations to carry out and plan joint programs and research in the fields of activity, g) To publiah books, magazines, videos, etc., in the digital and physical environment related to the activity areas and to share the knowledge and experiences of scientists working in this field by publishing them and to create an archive from these documents, h) To organize national and international seminars, conferences, panels, congresses, symposiums and colloquiums, exhibitions, and all kinds of scientific, artisti,c and cultural events, to participate in such events and to contribute to the research and development of education programs by creating discussion environments at these meetings.

The mission of the Istinye University Children's Science Center is a) to give a deeper approach to children in culture, science and art for preparing them to be more helpful to the society in the future, b) to improve children’s questioning, searching, and learning to make them freethinkers, c) to teach science and arts by living it, d) to create an environment for discussions to teach children learning listening and share their opinions in an appropriate way, e) to improve children’s creativity f) to create an environment for children to discover themselves in a deeper for establish their future and develop stronger bonds between university and society


The vision of Istinye University Children's Science Center is to use science and art, which are the cornerstones of society, as a tool to develop children's ability to question, research and create more deeply, and to increase children's interest in science and art through activities held for this purpose.In addition to these, it is to explain the importance of science and art to children for a country and to strengthen the ties of the university, which is the home of science and art, with the society.


Public diplomacy is not a new concept in terms of its content. Throughout history, human beings, organised first as small groups, then as tribes, ethnic groups and finally as nations and nation-states, have been practising what we today call public diplomacy in order to gain influence over their interlocutors, whether they are known as enemies or friends, in line with their own interests. The main aim here is to disseminate information and develop mutual good relations by entering into dialogue with the interlocutors. Public diplomacy should not be confused with disinformation aimed at misleading.In the light of these views, KADAM was established on 4 October 2021 with the publication of its Regulation in the Official Gazette and started its activities with the opening panel held on 21 December 2021.

KADAM's mission is to provide a theoretical infrastructure of public diplomacy with an interdisciplinary understanding and to develop a Turkey-focused public diplomacy concept, and to operate in the field of practice through projects as well as academic studies for this purpose.

In accordance with its founding philosophy, KADAM aims to investigate the theoretical infrastructure of the field of Public Diplomacy within the field of international relations and its connection with other disciplines, to determine the theoretical formation in particular by starting from the general and to determine the characteristics of the activity architecture to be built on this infrastructure. In the final analysis, KADAM aims to contribute to the creation of a national public diplomacy concept by taking into account Turkey's unique conditions. Within this framework, appropriate strategic cooperation with relevant institutions and organisations in the international arena is envisaged.

Prof. Osman Can Ünver - Manager
Dr. Can Donduran - Deputy Manager



Istinye University Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering AUM (İSÜKÖK) established in 2017. İSÜKÖK is a multidisciplinary, integrated R&D Center that brings together researchers from various departments (bioengineering, natural and medical sciences) to advance and apply pioneering and innovative ideas for tissue engineering, cellular therapy and stem cell research. The center, which is designed to be integrated with other research laboratories, includes a stem cell, a tissue-engineering laboratory, a laboratory for genetic analysis, protein analysis and immunostaining, a sterilization room and a molecular laboratory. Multipotent and pluripotent cells are cultured in the stem cell laboratory, and they can be viewed and viewed live with state-of-the-art microscopes. In the tissue-engineering laboratory, various tissue scaffolds (scaffolds) can be designed and produced using both conventional methods and 3D-bioprinters. A large number of outsourced projects (TÜBİTAK, TÜSEB, etc.) are carried out in the fields of stem cell and tissue engineering, and new project applications are continuing at full speed.

To be a pioneer in research and applications for tissue engineering, stem cell and gene therapies, to educate high-quality scientists who stand out with their expert technical team and scientific studies, and to be a reference R&D center in research/development fields.

To contribute to our country's taking an important step in the field of science and technology simultaneously with developed countries in research and applications for stem cells, tissue engineering and gene therapies; To contribute to the rise of our country above the level of scientific studies in the world, to be one of the important centers in our country and in the world. ​​​​​​

Dr. Ayça Bal Öztürk - Manager
Dr. Hakan Darıcı - Deputy Manager



The Center for Belt and Road Studies (CBRS) is an international research center based at İstinye University (ISU), İstanbul. It engages academics from ISU and other universities as well as prominent practitioners and policy makers across the world. More than 2000 years ago, the ancient Silk Road was the engine of international trade and prosperity. Introduced in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) constitutes an international cooperation mechanism that seeks to re-implement the concept of the Silk Road under the new conditions of globalization. This China-led initiative consists of infrastructure, resource, and investment development networks intended to be active over 152 countries across Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas. The initiative prioritizes five main areas: intergovernmental policy cooperation and consensus-building, infrastructure and technological connectivity, trade connectivity, financial integration, and people-to-people exchanges for cultural cooperation. As such, it develops a comprehensive approach that also incorporates rail and sea transport, and digital systems. This approach is extended to sustainable development, artificial intelligence, quantum computers, and new energy and material technologies. 

CBRS’ primary mission is to conduct innovative and interdisciplinary scientific research related to issues pertinent to not only the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) itself, but also all countries involved in BRI. Its activities include: international workshops and conferences designed to bring together area researchers to discuss their research, visits by distinguished academics and practitioners, research reports and briefs related to BRI or any country involved in BRI, reading and discussion groups, sponsorship or co-sponsorship for graduate and postdoctoral fellows.

The Center for Belt and Road Studies (CBRS) envisions a future where international collaboration, facilitated by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), becomes a catalyst for positive change, fostering connectivity, sustainable development, and cultural exchange. Our vision is anchored in the rich legacy of the ancient Silk Road, and we aim to propel the BRI into a transformative force that transcends borders, building bridges between nations and fostering mutual understanding. ​​​​​​

Dr. Can Donduran - Manager
Dr. Suat Eren Özyiğit - Deputy Manager



Media Studies Application and Research Center (İSUMED) was established in 2020. İSUMED is a unit that develops a strategy to become a new brand within and outside the organization. Basically, the Media Center both produces professionally produced media products and publishes quality documents for the university and the external environment. In the long term, the Center, under the university discipline, conducts scientific research on the fields of media and mass communication, carries out all kinds of media and communication applications in the university studio, contributes to the public broadcasting service by producing broadcasting examples in the digital medium, encourages and organizes interdisciplinary studies on this subject, media literacy. and to contribute to the literature on media studies, especially media ethics.

The mission of the center is to carry out scientific research on the fields of media and mass communication under the university discipline, to carry out all kinds of communication applications in the university studio, to contribute to the public broadcasting service by producing broadcasting examples in digital media, to encourage and organize interdisciplinary studies on this subject, to provide consultancy services, to provide scientific to organize meetings, courses and seminars, to make scientific researches and to produce quality media products, to contribute to the literature on media research, especially media literacy and media ethics.

The Center's vision is to use the most advanced theory and methods to study communication phenomena. Addressing both theoretical and applied problems from a range of quantitative and qualitative perspectives, faculty and students will engage in cutting-edge developments in communication research, providing an extraordinarily fertile ground for science.

Assoc. Prof. Aybike Serttaş - Manager
Assoc. Prof. Hasan Gürkan ,Research Asst. Tugay Sarıkaya - Deputy Manager



Center aims to strengthen Istinye University’s research position in the field of Microbiome and One Health through strategic alignments with health, and environment professionals. The nature of the Center is interdisciplinary and includes collaboration and interaction between various disciplines in Istinye and Turkey as well as internationally. The Center utilizes “one health approaches” to tackle public health challenges of human importance at the human-animal- and environmental interface. 

1To become a major center for research into Microbiome and One Health, with the ultimate goal of developing innovative preventative and therapeutic strategies. To develop students’ ability to use basic principles in biology by use of innovative approaches, for them to understand and solve problems related to Microbiome in health and disease.

Center aims to position Istinye University as a leading international center of Microbiome and One Health, undertaking research, teaching and training. Research excellence and innovation is at the heart of the Center's mission. 

Prof. Dr. Ruqiya Bano Siddiqui - Manager 


Istınye Unıversıty Molecular Cancer Research And Applıcatıon Center (ISUCRC) aims to provide molecular oncology laboratory services to cancer patients as well as to develop new cancer drugs (natural or synthetic compounds), cancer stem cells, cell death, cytotoxicity, 3-dimensional cancer cell culture (organoid). ISUCRC was established to conduct advanced research in the fields of tumor pharmacology and tumor biology. Because of its domestic and international connections, it is a center with a massive communication network. The center already has one internationally patented compound that is nearing the end of its Phase 1 clinical trial.

In addition to pioneering individualized treatment approaches that can be offered to cancer patients during the fight against cancer, which is the disease of our age, it is aimed to investigate the anticancer effects of new synthesis chemicals and to support the Turkish economy by revealing local cancer drugs. To emphasize the importance of research and development by taking part in national and international projects.

Discovery of successful new synthesis anticancer drugs and presenting individualized treatments with molecular approaches in clinical oncology.

Prof. Dr. Engin Ulukaya - Manager
Dr. Yelda Birinci, Dr. Tunay Doğan - Deputy Manager 



IsuCAN is a center that researches the functions and structuring of the nervous system. Its field of study is to develop electrical and optical, neural stimulation and recording methods, to conduct physiological research with these methods, to produce information for clinical applications and to bring the produced information together with people (patient/healthy). Research and application areas include the effect of tDCS in various diseases, its effect on selected performances in healthy people and athletes, autonomic function research with heart rate variability and skin resistance measurement methods, sensory and pain physiology, neurofeedback-biofeedback applications, the use of evoked potentials in patient and healthy individuals. In addition to these, device design, construction and measurement techniques for experimental studies are among the activities of the center. It hosts research in various associate, undergraduate and graduate programs at Istinye University.

The mission of Istinye University Innovative Center for Applied Neurosciences is to contribute to the development of society and science by developing solutions to local and universal problems by developing advanced knowledge and technologies, conducting qualified research and providing innovative education by combining different disciplines.

The vision of Istinye University Innovative Center for Applied Neurosciences is to be a research center that trains researchers in the fields of health, life sciences and cognitive science and leads research projects by adopting the principle of conducting qualified and interdisciplinary research.

Dr. Gökçer Eskikurt - Manager
Dr. Ezgi Ildırım Özcan - Deputy Manager




Climate and Environment Research Center was established in 2023 to raise awareness about climate change and environmental problems, conduct interdisciplinary scientific research, develop collaborations with other institutions and organizations, and organize scientific and social events.



To carry out scientific studies on climate and environment at national and international levels, to develop projects, to carry out awareness and education activities, to organize events on this subject within the university, and to engage in social responsibility and community contribution activities.



To contribute to the development of national and international collaborations and sustainable policies to raise awareness within the framework of climate adaptation studies.


Prof. Dr. Hatice Gülen - Manager


They say those who teach are the best learners. The quote gains extra value, especially today. According to studies, information in the world nowadays doubles every few months. Individual efforts are not enough to catch up; Higher education institutions, which are teaching institutions, need to become learning institutions – learning universities. Being a 'learning university' means; To provide our students with 21st century skills and lifelong learning habits by keeping up with contemporary civilization, to produce innovations by research, to adapt them to the characteristics of our own society by making use of research conducted in the world, to progress not only by developing the existing ones but also by incorporating the latest technologies, to foresee turbulent and difficult situations and it means constantly improving yourself to adapt to them immediately when necessary. Istinye University, a very young but dynamic university that is committed to success, is putting its Teaching and Learning Center of Excellence into practice by standing by its valuable teachers and beloved students, as a 'learning university' in this era of rapid growth of knowledge.

The mission of ISU Teaching and Learning Center of Excellence (TLCE) is to promote excellence, innovation and modernization in the education of faculties, vocational schools and the institute of graduate studies of Istinye University. All activities of TLCE are focused on the support and development of evidence-based teaching methods and the academic development of ISU faculty members and students. TLCE is not a decision maker, supervisory or control unit of the university. It provides consultancy and training to all units within the university in line with the educational needs.

To develop and maintain a university culture that values and honors teaching and learning, respects and supports individual differences among students, TLCE works in partnership with faculty, students and administrators at all levels to create excellent learning environments. TLCE provides consultancy to all lecturers on education-training and curricular issues; offers seminars and workshops tailored to the needs of academic units; organizes symposia.

Elif Vardar Solak - Manager



Combining the academic approach of Istinye University with the impeccable service understanding of Liv Hospital, isü Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir has the vision of "excellence in healthcare" with its patient-oriented approach, expert staff and advanced technology infrastructure.Opening its doors in December 2016, İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir was established with the contribution of MLP Care's quarter-century of knowledge and experience in healthcare. Providing tertiary health care services, including education and research studies, İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir; İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir, which accepts patients in all branches, also brings together multidisciplinary branches such as Organ Transplant Center, Spine Health Center, Stroke Center, Speech and Language Therapy Polyclinic, Sleep Disorders Center, Hair Transplant Center, Medical Aesthetics Department, Medical Oncology / Oncological Surgeries, Hand Surgery, IVF Center, Palliative Care Center, Interventional Radiology and Advanced Interventional Radiology under one roof. İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir is one of the few hospitals to host a "Pediatric Intensive Care Unit".With 62,500 square meters of indoor space, the 21-storey hospital has a smart building system that allows immediate intervention to any problem within the building. The hospital has 30 observation rooms that can be converted into intensive care rooms in emergencies, and specialist physicians work in the Emergency Department and Night Polyclinics. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Hand Surgery, General Surgery, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Neurosurgery, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery and Stroke Center also provide services on a 24/7 basis. Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir, where every detail is meticulously considered, has 394 bed capacity (including the annex building), 10 palliative care beds, 12 operating rooms (1 UUTE+2 EYE), 94 intensive care/observation bed capacity and a helipad for emergency transfers.

In order to protect public health and improve quality of life; To provide high quality preventive and curative health services in line with our ethical rules and principles, To be open, honest, reliable and accessible, To provide services that make a difference by following the developing technology, To care about the rights and satisfaction of patients, patient relatives and employees, To support the development of new knowledge and practices in the field of health through academic studies and scientific research.

To be a hospital that competes with clinical data in the international arena by applying scientific studies at international standards in all areas of patient treatment and care services.

Dr. Ferda Kaya Zaman - Manager



SEM was established in 2018. Activities are: a) To organize and develop face-to-face, distance and mixed continuous education programs that are open to general participation and are highly beneficial so that every segment of the society can take part in the lifelong learning process within the scope of continuous education. b) To organize face-to-face, distance and mixed education programs for private sector, industry and public institutions. c) To plan and organize seminars, symposiums, conferences, education fairs, summit events and all kinds of academic and scientific meetings for public, private sector and international organizations and individuals, and to coordinate these activities. ç) To cooperate with the public, private sector and international organizations in the field of non-formal education of the university. d) To meet external exam requests. e) To provide certification services in accordance with national and international standards and regulations within the scope of the relevant legislation provisions. f) To provide project/consulting services upon request. g) To carry out other activities recommended by the Rectorate and/or decided by the Central Executive Board within the scope of continuous education.

The mission of İSÜ SEM; By focusing on the industry and the society, with the strong academic staff of Istinye University, to develop innovative and sustainable education specific to the needs of the changing world, based on up-to-date information, and to contribute to the development of both industry and society.

The vision of İSÜ SEM; To ensure that people and institutions benefit from the education solutions developed for the current needs of the changing world by reaching large target audiences on a global scale.



Istinye University Artificial Intelligence Research and Application Center (YZAUM) was established on June 27, 2018, with the approval of YÖK. The main purpose of the center can be summarized as developing projects in the fields of artificial intelligence and the interaction between other disciplines, conducting research and application studies, and transferring the research results to undergraduate and graduate education. Academics and experts will support research and education studies in faculties and departments with the projects they develop in the field of artificial intelligence, the undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses, articles and books they write.

YZAUM mission; To follow and implement the developments in artificial intelligence technology, to ensure the interaction of all disciplines with artificial intelligence, to train experienced experts in artificial intelligence science, to produce scientific articles that contribute to the literature and to develop artificial intelligence products that are beneficial to humanity.

YZAUM vision; Conducting product-oriented national and international artificial intelligence research projects, contributing to the artificial intelligence industry by developing artificial intelligence products and ensuring the emergence of new artificial intelligence initiatives.

Dr. Levent Korkmaz - Manager
Dr. Funda Özdemir - Deputy Manager



Istinye University Gender and Women's Studies Center (İSÜGender) was established at the beginning of 2023. The first and fundamental stage of the establishment process was the preparation of the Istinye University Gender Equality Action Plan and obtaining university's commitment to equality in line with the vision of the plan. The center, which is still in the process of structuring, has prioritized the evaluation of the university in terms of gender equality and the training of internal stakeholders such as academic staff, administrative staff and students. At the same time, activities and projects continue with various external stakeholders, especially with universities in the country and abroad. The Center aims to carry out the following activities in the upcoming period: a) Collecting data on gender structuring in academic and administrative units within the university, carrying out studies on the observance of gender equality in all units in line with the objectives expressed in the gender equality action plan (İSU GEP). b) Developing national and international projects in the field of gender with various actors, including domestic and foreign universities, application and research centers, non-governmental organizations, public institutions and the private sector, and supporting scientific research in this field. c) Organizing and participating in national and international seminars, conferences, panels, congresses, symposiums and colloquiums, exhibitions and all kinds of scientific, artistic and cultural events related to gender and women's studies. d) To raise awareness and educate the internal and external stakeholders of the university on gender equality, to carry out various activities to create public opinion on these issues, to make printed, oral and visual publications and to participate in such activities for this purpose. e) Suggesting the opening of programs on gender and women's studies within the university and encouraging the opening of courses on gender and women's studies in existing undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs f) To ensure that the facilities of the center are used in the related researches to be carried out at the university. g) Creating source documents and archives for gender and women's studies. Gender Equality Plan ISU GEP (2022)

To create a culture of equality by focusing on the university's commitment to equality; to promote and implement gender equality within and outside the university, including academic units, administrative units and students; to carry out national and international studies on gender studies; to develop projects, to carry out educational programs, to encourage activities on this subject within the university and to contribute to the society; to communicate and cooperate with other universities, centers of similar nature, civil society, private sector and public institutions at home and abroad; to support all academic and administrative units within the university within the scope of gender studies.

The vision of the center is to become one of the leading centers that contribute to the achievement of gender equality inside and outside of the university. It aims to work for the formation of a culture of equality within the university, to spread this effect throughout the society through education, research and various activities.

Prof. Dr. Işıl Baş De Oliveria - Manager


ISU-TURKMER is established with the aim of teaching Turkish as a foreign language, developing and producing innovative Turkish learning materials and promoting Turkish language and culture to the world. Education at ISU-TURKMER is given in compliance with the Common European Framework of Reference. Education system is designed considering the improvement of four basic language skills that are reading, listening, speaking and writing. •    The students of ISU-TURKMER are lectured at A1-A2 elementary, B1-B2 intermediate and C1 advanced level. At the end of each course level, final level tests are held to analyse students’ language skills and those who can successfully pass the exam can proceed to the next level. •    The teaching staff of ISU-TURKMER is composed of instructors who have pedagogical formation; who are well-trained, experienced, devoted and specialized in their fields.

• The mission of ISU TURKMER is to teach Turkish as a foreign or second language to our international students, to our foreign guests in Turkey and to anyone who wish to learn Turkish language efficiently and academically as well as promoting Turkey and Turkish culture.

Our vision is to develop new teaching methods, to create a high-level educational environment, to collaborate with non-governmental organizations so as to disseminate Turkish language to large masses and to become a pionering, prestigious institution in terms of teaching Turkish as a foreign language.

Dr. Feyzi ÇİMEN - Manager



The aim of the Center is to carry out the necessary research and applications that will enable progress with an integrated understanding of sustainability based on governance, economic and cultural sustainability, with an interdisciplinary approach at national and international levels, and to make recommendations on sustainability development policies and action plans, along with environmental and social responsibility practices that come to mind first when sustainability is mentioned. At the same time, under the roof of Istinye University, which aims to raise its students as individuals who are equipped with leadership skills, trust in the power of science, closely follow the developments in the world, think critically, have humanitarian and ethical values, have the habit of self-improvement and use their creativity; It aims to play an important role in the social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological development of our society and contribute to the progress of humanity by raising competent, creative and forward-thinking individuals of the future.

The mission of ISU International Research Center on Sustainability is to bring all researches of the university together for a common purpose in an interdisciplinary sphere by adopting the approach of supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as its basic principle.

The vision of ISU International Research Center on Sustainability is to contribute to sustainable development and progress.

Prof. Dr. Ayselin Yıldız - Manager


Established in August 2020, İSUZEM has established its infrastructure in a short time in accordance with technological requirements. The center manages the entire online education process within the university through the teaching management system. In addition, YÖK organizes all kinds of compulsory courses such as Atatürk's Principles and History of Revolution, General English and Turkish Language.

To increase the quality of education by providing technical and infrastructure support to the lecturers in the courses prepared by the lecturers of Istinye University, and to successfully carry out in-university education by providing the needed education programs with the distance education system.

Within the scope of life-long education, to convey the high knowledge of our instructors to the society by using distance education technologies, to achieve international quality in the services offered through distance education.

Dr. Suat Eren ÖZYİĞİT - Manager
Lecturer Muammer DEMİRCİ - Deputy Manager


İstinye University Application and Research Center, İSÜ GEROMER, is an education, research and application center on aging. It is comprised of academicians from all fields who have united to explore their interests in aging with an interdisciplinary approach. The center produces education, research and applications for life to ensure that aging progresses in an effective (active), satisfying, enjoyable and successful way. The work of the center ranges widely, including developing interdisciplinary scientific research, practices that will set an example to the world and trainings for educators and others working in this field. Volunteers and elderly people participating in our work in Istanbul as well as nationally and internationally can contribute to and strengthen us. We are always open to contributions from outside the university. Our first academic step is to prepare the GEROMER Dictionary to establish the terminology related to aging. Our first applied step is to create an elderly choir making up the elderly living in Istanbul and organize concerts Our first educational step is to formulate face-to-face and online presentations on various topics on aging. These will be given by experts. This will establish our education and training structure.

To explore dimensions of the issues of old age through both academic and applied studies; - To establisha lively connection between academia and life by establishing healthy and continuous connections with the elderly; - To contribute to the literature by conducting research on aging and effective aging; - To clarify the terminology of old age by preparing the GEROMER Dictionary; - To set an example for recreation in advancing age by forming the ISU Elderly Choir amidst other activities for the aging.

To advance the physiological, psychological and social well-being of the elderly in our country by expanding scientific aging studies, first within the body of ISU; and to become an example and leader in this field in our country and other countries.

Dr. Mehmet Fatih Çınar - Manager



The Center for Performance and Productivity Analysis (PPA), established at Istinye University, is a multidisciplinary research group. The members of the center specialize in the development of innovative decision analysis methods and the application of data analysis techniques. The main objective of the center is to measure and improve the efficiency, effectiveness and performance of companies and organizations and to optimize production processes in various sectors and industries.

Weaknesses in efficiency and effectiveness are a major challenge for many organizations. The mission of the Center for Performance and Productivity Analysis is to address these challenges with a multidisciplinary and international approach. The Center's priorities include identifying and improving these problems in practice and providing applicable solutions.

Our vision is to establish a research-based center that focuses on fundamental R&D goals and fosters collaboration between academia and industry. The center will not only promote basic academic research, but also stimulate innovative thinking. One of the center's goals is also to support decision-makers in various sectors in optimizing their decision-making processes.

Prof. Dr. Tofigh Allahviranloo - Manager
Prof. Dr. Alireza Amirteimoori - Deputy Manager  
