What is Double Major?
Students enrolled in an associate degree / undergraduate program (as a first major) must take all courses determined by another department / program at the university and successfully complete both programs within the same time period and have a second degree / associate degree in the second branch.
Which departments and programs you can do Double Major *
The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) has carried out the same higher education institution according to the related regulation;
- ·Between associate degree programs and other associate degree programs,
- · Between undergraduate programs and other undergraduate programs
- · The double major program can be opened with the approval of the Senate upon the proposal of the related departments and faculty /college boards between the undergraduate programs and the associate degree programs.
When can you apply for Double Major? *
Students can apply to the second major diploma program
- At the beginning of the 3rd semester at the earliest, and at the beginning of the 5th semester at the latest in the 4-year major undergraduate diploma program.
- ·At the beginning of the 3rd semester at the earliest, and at the beginning of the 7th semester at the latest in the 5-year major undergraduate diploma program.
- ·At the beginning of the 3rd semester at the earliest, and at the beginning of the 9th semester at the latest in the 6-year major undergraduate diploma program.
- ·At the beginning of the 2nd semester at the earliest, and at the beginning of the 3rd semester at the latest in the 2-year major associate diploma program.
What are the Double Major Application, Admission and, Attendance Conditions? **
(1) Students who have a GPA of at least 3,00 out of 4 in the major program and who are in the top twenty percent of the degree of success in the related class of the major degree program can apply to the second major degree program.
(2) In order to apply for a double major degree program, the student must successfully complete all courses taken in the major degree program until the semester they apply.
(3) In order for the student to graduate from the double major program, the GPA should be at least 2.72 out of 4. During all double major study, the student's general grade point average can be 2.50 out of 4 just for once. The student whose grade point average falls below 2.50 for the second time is expelled from the second major program.
(4) Second major graduation diploma can only be given if the student successfully graduates from her/his own major program.
(5) The courses taken in the major program of the double major program and the equivalents of which are accepted in the major program are shown in the transcript.
(6) Students who have the right to graduate from the major degree program but cannot complete the second major degree program may be extended for a maximum of two semesters with the decision of the board of directors of the faculty of the second major program.
(7) Students who do not take courses in two semesters in a row will be expelled from the second major program.
(8) It is determined by the Senate how the courses of the students who are expelled from the second major program will be evaluated.
(9) With the decision of the Senate, new requirements may be introduced in addition to those specified in this Regulation on double-major programs, and the minimum achievement grades foreseen can be increased.
(10) Students cannot be enrolled for two double major programs at the same time. However, students can do a double major and a minor at the same time.
What is Minor?
Students enrolled in the undergraduate program (first major) are required to complete and successfully complete some courses from another department / program at their university.
Minor Application, Admission and Attendance Conditions **
1. The student may apply to the minor program at the earliest 3. semester of the major undergraduate program and at the beginning of the 6.semester at the latest.
2. Students who have successfully completed all credit courses in the undergraduate program that they have received until the semester they apply can apply to the minor program.
3. The student must have a GPA of 2,50 at least 4 out of 4 during the application.
4. In order for the minor program to continue, the student must have a GPA of at least 4 out of 4 in the major program. Students who cannot fulfill this requirement will be deleted from the minor program.
5. Students who obtain the right to graduation from the major program but who cannot finish the minor program are granted an additional two semesters with the decision of the relevant board of directors.
6. The success of the student in the minor program does not affect his / her graduation in the major program.
7. The minor student may leave the program voluntarily in any semester of the learning process. The student who is unsuccessfully enrolling in the minor program cannot re-enroll in the same minor program.
8. Students who do not take courses in the two semesters of the minor program in a row will be deleted from this program.
9. It is determined by the senate how the courses taken by the minor program students will be evaluated in the minor program.
10. With the decision of the Senate, in addition to those specified in this Regulation for minor programs, new minimum requirements may be raised.
* /20 Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Principles Regarding the Transfer of Inter-bank Loan, Double Major, Minor and Minor Programs Trans published in the Official Gazette No: 30091 dated 9/06/2017 *
** /2010 Regulation on Transition between Double Major and Minor Programs, Double Major and Minor Programs in Higher Education Institutions f published in the Official Gazette dated 24/04/2010 and numbered 27561 /2010
Interdepartmental Transitions;
For the 3rd semester of the undergraduate programs at earliest, it is possible to apply for transfer between institutions. If the student wants to switch to a program other than the one in which s/he is enrolled, the student can make the application and transfer within the quota if s/he meets the entrance requirements for transfer which are determined by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). The convenient courses which have been taken from the previous program will be counted in the program that student transferred.