
Vadi H Campus Conference Hall
21 March World Down Syndrome Awareness Day Talk & Event
Dear Istiniyeans,
You are invited to the 21st March World Down Syndrome Awareness Day Event, organized by the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture's Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department in collaboration with the Turkey Down Syndrome Association.

Vadi H Campus Conference Hall
21 March World Down Syndrome Awareness Day Talk & Event
Değerli İstinyeliler,
İstinye Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar, Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bölümünün Türkiye Down Sendromu Derneği işbirliğinde düzenlediği 21 Mart Dünya Down Sendromu Farkındalık Günü Etkinliği'ne davetlisiniz.

Istinye University, Vadi H Campus, Conference Hall
6th International Ex-Libris Competition Istanbul 2025
You are invited to the event 6th International Ex-Libris Competition Istanbul 2025 to be held by Istinye University, Selçuk Ecza Deposu, Bozlu Art Project ve İstanbul Ex-Libris Society on 20 August 2025- 24 August 2025.