Istinye University 2023 commencement exercises will be held on Tuesday, 20 June 2023 in two sessions at the Turkcell Vadi Open Air Stage at 13:30 and 19:30. The Vocational School and Vocational School of Health Care Services commencement ceremony will take place at 13.30. The undergraduate commencement ceremony will take place at 19.30.
Prior to commencement, Students must RSVP by 26 May 2023 using the Isu Network Portal (click).
On graduation day, those participating in commencement exercises will be admitted to the Vadi Open Air Stage at 12:30 and 18:30 for the two sessions. Shuttles to the venue will depart from Topkapı Campus, Mecidiyeköy (in front of the Trump Building) and Kağıthane Metro/Underground Exit. Following the ceremony, a one-way return shuttle service will depart from the front of the ceremony area.
Families and guests of graduates will be admitted to the ceremony area a half hour before the start of the ceremonies, at 13:00 and 19:00 for the two sessions. Parking for the ceremonies will be available free of charge to families, guests and graduates at the Vadistanbul AVM lot. Audio and video of the ceremonies will record and publicize the most important moments of our graduates.
Graduates participating in commencement exercises must submit a bank receipt showing payment of 750 TL (fee for gown) for their graduation gown to the Topkapı Campus (Ground floor) or the Vadi Campus 3rd floor (3rd floor – V-313) between 29 May and 16 June (10:00 -17:00, mid-week). 750 TL (fee for gown) will be transferred to the bank account of the students who give back their gowns.
After the ceremony, the robes can be returned from the Valley Campus Ground floor until 24.00, and a deposit of 750 TL will be refunded to the accounts of our graduates who return their graduation gown.
Due to the Feast of Sacrifice, graduation gowns will not be returned on campus between June 26 and July 2, 2023. Outside of these dates, graduation gowns returns will be made at our Topkapı and Vadi Campuses during working hours.
Banka Details
Receiver Bank Account Name: İstinye Üniversitesi
IBAN: TR44 0006 7010 0000 0034 5154 95
Bank Name: Yapı&Kredi Bankası – Haliç Ticari Şubesi
Description: Student ID, Student Name and Surname, Graduation Gown Fee
Topkapı Campus: 11:30 – 12.00 – 12:30 / 17:30 – 18:00 – 18:30
Mecidiyeköy (in front of the Trump Building): 11:30 – 12.00 – 12:30 / 17:30 – 18:00 – 18:30
Kağıthane Metro/Underground Exit: Ring shuttle service between 11:30 and 12:30 / Ring shuttle service between 17:30 and 19:15
* Following the ceremony, a one-way return shuttle service will depart from the front of the ceremony area.
** Parking for the ceremonies at the Vadistanbul AVM lot will be available free of charge to our graduates and their families.