Below is all information about the Final Exams of Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi 2, Genel İngilizce 2 and Türk Dili 2 courses. Please read carefully.
- Final exams will be held on Saturday, June 1, 2024.
- Exams will only be held at Topkapı Campus. There will be no exams in the valley campuses.
- A single booklet will be given in the exam and the exam of all 3 courses will be held at the same time.
- All questions will be coded on a single optical form.
- The exam questions consist of multiple choice questions (test).
- There will be 20 questions for each course.
- Wrong answers will not take away the correct answer.
- Do not forget to bring a pencil and eraser to the exam.
- Final exams will affect the course average by 60%.
- In the midterm exams, you will be responsible for all of the course materials loaded in the blackboard system for each course. More questions will be asked from the last 8 weeks.
- Exams will be administered in 4 sessions at the times specified in the table below.

- The exam sessions will start at the times mentioned above and will last 75 minutes in total.
- The first 15 minutes will be for the distribution of optical forms and booklets and for students to fill in the optical form.
- 60 min test administration
- Students will be admitted to the exam sessions for the first 15 minutes. After this time, students will not be admitted to the exam.
- You can find your exam entry information from the link below. You can search the document with your student number.
NOTE: All students will take the exam in their own classroom and session time. Students who want to take the exam in different classrooms will not be admitted to the exam.