Dear İstinyeliler,
You are invited to the online event organized by Istinye University Faculty of Communication.
Event: Film as a Research Tool in Architectural Projects - Reframing Berlin: Architecture, Memory-Making and Film Locations
Organizer: Faculty of Communication
Event Date: 04 January 2024 / Thursday
Event Time: 14:00
Zoom ID: 966 4668 7127
Zoom Passcode: 111458
*The event will be held in English.
With work/life experience in Ireland, Netherlands, Turkey, UK and USA, Dr Gul Kacmaz Erk has been conducting research on ‘cinema and architecture’ since the 1990s. Before joining Queen’s Architecture in 2011, she worked as a licenced architect in Istanbul and Amsterdam for almost 10 years, researched at the University of Pennsylvania (research scholar), University College Dublin (researcher on sabbatical) and Z/KU Berlin (researcher in residency), and taught at Philadelphia (Thomas Jefferson) University, Technical University Delft and Izmir University of Economics. She holds BArch (METU), MArch (METU) and PhD (ITU) degrees in Architecture, directs CACity: Cinema and Architecture in the City collaborative research group since 2014 (, organises Walled Cities film seasons in Northern Ireland since 2017, and conducts urban filmmaking workshops worldwide. Kacmaz Erk is an associate professor at Queen’s University Belfast, the director of MSc Advanced Architectural Design and PGCert Cinematic Architecture programmes, a member of the RIBA Validation Panel and an associate fellow of Senator George J. Mitchell Institute.