Middle East Conflict and World Order

Middle East Conflict and World Order
Teyyareci Sami Sk
Maltepe Mah, Zeytinburnu, İstanbul 34010
Senate Room

The intention is to introduce students to the multi-dimensional conflict patterns present in the Middle East (or is it West Asia; UN ESCWA), as well as to consider the complexities associated with a diagnosis of what went wrong and what might be done to bring peace, democracy, and equitable development to the region. There are countries with incredible wealth, others afflicted with poverty. Over the past hundred years the shape of conflict in the region has changed in response to historical, geopolitical, and civilizational developments. An underlying question is whether to understand the present turmoil and tensions within the region as internally generated, externally imposed, or some combination reflecting changing national, regional, and global circumstances. Turkey’s role in the region has also been subject to dramatic changes over the course of this period, and these will be evaluated from policy and normative perspectives. Somewhat further in the background are problems associated with refugee pressures within the region and Europe, as well as present harms and future threats from climate change, shortages of water, and changing energy politics.