“Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via Vestibular Approach - TOETVA” Hands-on Cadaver Lab Workshop will be held at Istinye University, Faculty of Medicine and LIV Hospital Vadistanbul on August 31, 2024 with the endorsement of the Turkish Association of Endocrine Surgery (TAES) and the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (ESES).
The official language of the course will be English and curriculum includes hands-on session at 6 fresh frozen cadaver stations in the Cadaver Laboratory of Istinye University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy following theoretical sessions in LIV Hospital Vadistanbul Conference Hall. For each cadaver station, 3 trainees will have the opportunity of hands-on training and 2 seats will be available for observers.
The quota of this advanced course, which is carried out in several centers in the world, which is for one of the most up-to-date methods in endocrine surgery and minimal invasive surgical approach, is limited. Program details and online registration information can be found at the official website of the organization:
1st-Theoretical Session: Liv Hospital, Vadistanbul Seminar Hall
2nd-Cadaveric Session: Istinye University,Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy Lab.