Our university provides High Performance Computing (HPC) service to our researchers to assist their research activities. The HPC system that is located on our campus for this purpose has the following hardware configurations:
- Login node:
- 24 Intel Xeon Silver CPU cores
- 192 GB RAM
- Compute node:
- 40 Intel Xeon Gold CPU cores
- 384 GB RAM
- 8 x NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU 32GB
- Data storage:
- 600 TB usable storage space provided through a parallel file system
As per software, GNU/Intel compilers, CUDA, Java, Python, R and other basic software packages are available on the HPC system; and upon the request of our researchers, the installation of other software packages will be carried out as long as there are no technical restrictions.
Our researchers who want to benefit from the HPC system must fill out the HPC access request form over Venustats. The approved applicants will be informed about access to the HPC system and other technical details.
For user account requests and inquiries in the YBH system, you can contact the Information Technology Help Desk at (bstdestek@istinye.edu.tr).