Istinye University Celebrates 'Diversity'

Under the slogan "Celebrate Diversity!", the festival aimed to bring together members of the Istinye University family from around the world. Students and faculty from 25 different countries, including Türkiye, Azerbaijan, China, Algeria, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, the United States, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Afghanistan, gathered at Istinye University (ISU) to showcase the music, dances, and traditional costumes of their native countries and represented their countries through stands serving their native cuisine. As part of Istinye University's focus on social responsibility, blood donations were also made to the Red Crescent during this event.

A Variety of Flavors Come Together at ISU

The Palestine booth attracted particular attention at the event. Students condemning the war in Gaza expressed support for Palestine, observing a minute of silence. Professor Dr. Peyami Çelikcan, Vice Rector of Istinye University (ISU), said, "We organize this event because diversity is very important to us. We will always preserve and celebrate our cultural values, differences, and identities. We are always with the Palestinians."

Another standout booth represented Yemen. Yemeni coffee, regional delicacies like '100-year-old biscuits' and kohl were a center of attention for visitors. Afghanistan's booth showcased specialties such as pistachios, sambal, and simyan. At the China booth dumplings stole the show, while biryani, meat lavash and minesima, a unique dessert, drew interest at the Iraq booth. Türkiye’s booth offered internationally renowned delights such as simit, baklava, keşkek, and mantı to visitors.

Iran was represented by traditional snacks like poolaki, acıbadem, zereshk, saffron, and hebat. Kazakhstan showcased salty cheese curd and traditional bread called baursak and sucuk made from horse meat, another traditional dish. Lebanon featured tabbouleh, sfoof, kibbeh nayye, hummus, batata harra, kaak aasrouniye, manakish, aadas ahmat and lemonade.

"We Provided an Opportunity to Meet New Cultures"

Speaking about the event, Özlem Salı, the Head of the Foreign Languages Department and Instructor at Istinye University (ISU), said, "We organized the second 'Interyouth Fest' to unite international academics and students studying at our university with local academics and students. Through this colorful and enjoyable event, we provided an opportunity for international students and academics to introduce and express their cultures while creating a fun festival for our students. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this wonderful endeavor.”

"They Experience a Multinational Campus Life"

As Ismail Çiftçi, the Head of the International Relations Department explained, "ISU offers competitive departments in numerous fields, academics renowned in their fields, well-equipped classrooms and laboratories, myriad student clubs, and a campus life where students can learn, explore, and live. International students coming to our university benefit from all the opportunities we offer while receiving an international education. They experience a multinational and multicultural campus life, as is our goal. These opportunities lead students from over 100 different countries, including Türkiye, to choose our university, and this makes us very happy."

"It's Like the Whole World Meets at ISU"

Hamza (Iraq), Business Administration Department Student: “As international students, we are all far from our countries. That's why this festival made us very happy. It's a great event for us to see other countries' cultures, taste their food and drink, and mingle. Being at ISU is wonderful for me. It offers many opportunities.”
Maveddah (Egypt), Cinema and Television Department Student: “ISU is a very diverse university. There are students from everywhere, different countries. It's like the whole world meets at ISU. And we are all alike. Actually, we're not that different. We can find common goals. This festival brought together students from different countries. I express pride in my identity through the festival. I am very happy with such events. ”
Yersultan (Kazakhstan), Faculty of Medicine Student: “Our professors here are very experienced and knowledgeable, so I am very happy to be a student here. This festival is very important for the integration of international students. Kazakh culture is very important to me and we introduced it to other students through the festival.” 

Cengiz (Türkiye), Gastronomy Department Student: “The education, environment, and professors at ISU are all excellent. I love them all. It's both enjoyable and enlightening to come together with international students, learn new things and experience new cultures. Here, I showcase my country to people, introduce our foods. It's very enjoyable to socialize together here.”