Istinye University Rises Rapidly in The URAP World Rankings

In recent years, Istinye University (ISU), which drew attention as the fastest-rising university, has continued its rapid ascent in the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) World Rankings. With its performance in the 2023-2024 Academic Year, ISU climbed 657 ranks globally, securing a place among the top ten Turkish Foundation Universities.
URAP ranks Turkish and global universities based on their academic performances. Operating under the Middle East Technical University (METU) Informatics Institute, URAP Research Laboratory assesses annual academic performances of universities, publishing success indices nationally and internationally. With indices calculated primarily from article and citation scores, the list features a total of 119 Turkish universities this year, with 93 being state and 26 foundation universities.
Among Turkish foundation universities, ISU has demonstrated a remarkable performance in recent years, swiftly climbing the ranks. In the 2022-2023 URAP World Rankings, ISU held the 2761st position, and within a year, it ascended 657 places, now standing at 2104th based on the 2023-2024 data. According to the latest URAP indicators, ISU rose by 49 places among the best-ranked universities in Türkiye. This achievement positioned ISU as the 9th among other Turkish Foundation universities in its category.
The URAP World Rankings' indicators for the 2023-2024 list include parameters like the number of articles, citation counts, total scientific document counts, total publication impact, total citation impact, and international collaboration. Universities in the list are evaluated based on the number of articles and citations in high-impact journals (Q1, Q2, and Q3). In the calculation of the five-year total document count, all documents and articles of universities (including Q4) are considered. URAP World Rankings go beyond basic indicators of academic productivity, incorporating data on scientific publications from reputable databases like Clarivate Analytics' InCites™.
Istinye University, noted for its significant progress in the recent URAP Türkiye rankings, had previously climbed from the 38th to the 19th position among foundation universities in the 2022-2023 rankings. 
In the overall 'all universities' category encompassing foundation and state universities, ISU advanced by 43 positions, showcasing itself as a university making substantial strides and progress in 2022.