Sürdürülebilirlik Etkinlikleri

SDG Başlık Tarih
SDG10 Child Development Monitoring in Hospitals 27.04.2023
SDG11 City Memory Cards 18.04.2023
SDG10 Disaster Area Projects Experience Sharing Meeting #2 14.04.2023
SDG3 Disaster Area Projects Experience Sharing Meeting #2 14.04.2023
SDG4 Disaster Area Projects Experience Sharing Meeting #2 14.04.2023
SDG11 Architectural Practice Conversations: İklima Şenol Gönenç 06.04.2023
SDG17 Sustainability and Nutrition 05.04.2023
SDG2 Sustainability and Nutrition 05.04.2023
SDG10 Disaster Area Projects Experience Sharing Meeting #1 04.04.2023
SDG3 Disaster Area Projects Experience Sharing Meeting #1 04.04.2023
SDG4 Disaster Area Projects Experience Sharing Meeting #1 04.04.2023
SDG11 Architecture For Everyone: Notes from the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Plan Site 04.04.2023
SDG8 TUBITAK BIDEB 2237-A Scientific Educational Activities Support Information Meeting 03.04.2023
SDG17 TUBITAK BIDEB 2237-A Scientific Educational Activities Support Information Meeting 03.04.2023
SDG4 TUBITAK BIDEB 2237-A Scientific Educational Activities Support Information Meeting 03.04.2023
SDG4 Risk Reduction in Disaster Management 30.03.2023
SDG10 Risk Reduction in Disaster Management 30.03.2023
SDG3 Risk Reduction in Disaster Management 30.03.2023
SDG4 Basic Information Training on Patent Application Processes 27.03.2023
SDG9 Basic Information Training on Patent Application Processes 27.03.2023
SDG16 Global Strategy Conference 2023 24.03.2023
SDG17 Global Strategy Conference 2023 24.03.2023
SDG17 100 Of the Republic. In the Year of Atatürk and Women 23.03.2023
SDG8  ITBF Career Talks 22.03.2023
SDG17  ITBF Career Talks 22.03.2023
SDG17 PPP Symposium 18.03.2023
SDG3 PPP Symposium 18.03.2023
SDG3 Social Work in Disasters 17.03.2023
SDG10 Social Work in Disasters 17.03.2023
SDG4 Social Work in Disasters 17.03.2023
SDG5 March 8 - International Women's Day 08.03.2023
SDG4 Managing the Known: Being Prepared for Future Disasters 28.02.2023
SDG17 Managing the Known: Being Prepared for Future Disasters 28.02.2023
SDG16 Managing the Known: Being Prepared for Future Disasters 28.02.2023
SDG10 Economic Effects of the Earthquake 27.02.2023
SDG8 Economic Effects of the Earthquake 27.02.2023
SDG17 Economic Effects of the Earthquake 27.02.2023
SDG4 After the Earthquake With a Public Health Approach 24.02.2023
SDG3 After the Earthquake With a Public Health Approach 24.02.2023
SDG10 After the Earthquake With a Public Health Approach 24.02.2023
SDG3 Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Health Education 24.02.2023
SDG4 Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Health Education 24.02.2023
SDG8 TUBITAK ARDEB 1002 Program Information Meeting 17.02.2023
SDG4 TUBITAK ARDEB 1002 Program Information Meeting 17.02.2023
SDG17 TUBITAK ARDEB 1002 Program Information Meeting 17.02.2023
SDG10 Crisis Interventions After the Earthquake 16.02.2023
SDG3 Crisis Interventions After the Earthquake 16.02.2023
SDG4 Crisis Interventions After the Earthquake 16.02.2023
SDG17 TUBITAK ARDEB 1002 Program Information Meeting 14.02.2023
SDG4 TUBITAK ARDEB 1002 Program Information Meeting 14.02.2023