Stunning Works Revealed in the 2nd Social Responsibility Project Competition

The second student social responsibility project competition organized by Istinye University International Sustainability Application and Research Center (ISUIRCOS) was held on May 30. The Faculties of Communication, Economics and Administrative and Social Sciences and the Departments of Public Relations and Advertising contributed to the effort.

Student teams presented their projects for evaluation by a jury. The jury awarded its highest marks to a project entitled "Association of Opportunity Technologies in Education". The project introduced technology to children living in disadvantaged areas, showing students at a village primary school in Doğubayazıt short films with virtual reality glasses.

Students who realized the best projects of the competition were awarded prizes and ISU certificates of acheivement. Students who completed worthy works were recognized.

Noteworthy projects included:
1.    Association of Opportunity Technologies in Education - Emre Akbulut, Çağdaş Serkan Kara and Berkan Eren Bulut
2.    Sustainable Society Association – Sema Nur Yücel, Beyza Ceylan and İzem Kaplan
3.    Nature and Environmental Protection Association - Aylin Akın, Sümeyra Kırcı, Görkem Yeşil and Eren Yücedağ
4.    Deposit Packaging Project in the Cosmetics Industry - Hanımnur Ercan, Ebrar Köse, Şevval Yiğit, Reyhan Demirdelen and Feyza Ürkmez